Monday, October 17, 2011

Well, as promised, I'm finally posting in my super dead blog. I have also promised to write an essay so here goes. I've been absent all this while from blogging because I haven't felt like blogging all this while. Besides, I've been playing computer games so that may explain my absence from blogging. I've got Blackshot and Fallout 3, both are fun games and Fallout 3 is the best. If you're into FPS and role-playing games that is. Anyway, in my absence from blogging, I have started to roam Wikipedia for juicy news or historical events. I still do. I look out for historical events that happened on that specific day and I click and every time I see a new word or a place or a battle etc I click again, so I would start out reading on Napoleon and end up closing the Wikipedia browser that says Theory of Relativity. So, it's official, I have no life. I've done some reflection on my life this year and some comparison also. It seems that as carefree as I am now, I'm never as carefree as last year. Last year, I could have gone to the science exam or maths exam without studying (not trying to show off here), but this year, I find myself constantly referring to and flipping through notes feverishly just minutes before going to the hall. It seems that there's something that's stressing me out and I think I know the cause. I don't blame anyone but isn't it enough already? I've got a lot at stake whenever I enter the exam hall, I have my positioning, overall marks, eligibility for awards, WHETHER I CAN GO BACK HOME SAFELY WITHOUT SEEING MY LUGGAGE AT THE DOOR WITH A NOTE SAYING: I CALLED YOUR FATHER, HE'S TAKING YOU TO JOHOR, YOU CAN STAY THERE FOREVER. Well, that's just me though. I've learned to live with it. What with all the good-for-nothing child I'm being labelled as. I still don't get it, just because I'm from a neighbourhood school doesn't mean I'm stupid or whatever, or even that in order to score an A1 in some Raffles fucked up, snooty, rich, well-funded, elite Institution I must score 10 marks more than what I get in school if I get an A1. First of all, we all take the same fucking 'O' level exams that's catered to all students, secondly, well, just shut up about this elitist talk because anymore and I swear I'm gonna blow. Okay, so I don't want to plaster this blog with profanities so I'm gonna fast forward to now.I've been watching The Big Bang Theory lately and it's such a funny show, I can't describe it here, you need to see it to feel the epic humour in the show. Oh, I've got back my papers today, I can't say I've did badly or did very good, well there's room for improvement. I just need to get my facts right, handle my points, be clear with my definitions and BUCK UP FOR MY DAMN ENGLISH PAPER 2. English was not so disappointing as I expected but I was hoping I could've scored better. Besides , I'm not going to let that ruin my day, I've got AEM!! Some thing about solar, wind and another type of renewable energy. I felt like sleeping, but the quizzes were easy. And I reiterate.Ngee Ann Poly is not a school or a group of schools, it's a whole TOWN. I tell you, if the poly were to lock itself down, it could sustain itself for heck knows how long. They already have solar panels and I heard there was a wind turbine generating electricity from wind. It's got multiple eateries, sports areas, I wouldn't be surprised if half of the Poly is underground. Well, it's getting late, and I hope this is a decent essay for the person that persuaded me to update. Thank you and goodnight New York!!

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