Monday, March 21, 2011

Well, I haven't been posting during the holidays. No I wasn't busy with homework, I just had NPAP trainings, or NPCC Annual Parade trainings so I came back with just enough energy to soun the horn a few times before dropping down on the bed. Well, it was hot, like bake-your-boots-and-feet-and-fry-an-egg-on-a-random-rock kinda hot.I could literally feel my whiskers burning off in the sun. Well, because I had my beret on and wore spectacles, my face was red just below my forehead, like literally a line separating the lighter portion and darker portion of my face.
Anyway enough about NPAP trainings, first day of school, siannn. I didn't enjoy my holidays at all!!! I only went out yesterday and it was boring!! Anyway I anaged to complete most of my holiday homework on time so no biggie. Bio was a bore, I literally stoned for 3 periods. Math was as depressing as usual, the dementor's aura is always there, if you want to attend Math lessons in 3E1, you need: your stationery, exercise book, textbook, WAND and an adequate knowledge on how to perform the Patronus Charm. SAF music and drama came over, not bad not bad. We received our Math files after VE assembly, oh and when Siwei, MH, Victor, Junxiang and I were walking home, Junxiang took the cake my ma'am gave to Victor and I and ran over to Gaoshan and splattered it on his face LOOL!!! I have the video but you can't see much.

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