Friday, February 25, 2011

I haven't posted in a long time so I'll just elaborate on the 3D2N camp.
Wednesday: We did some cheer practice in class while waiting for our instructors, then I sang "we are the nerds" to the tune of "we are the world", apparently the leaders thought it was amusing along with the class and decided to incorporate it into the class cheer. Anyway our instructors came halfway and split us into 2 groups. Then we practiced our cheer abit more then made our way to the ISH. We were given a nice little search of our bags to check for contraband, y'know like handphone, fridge, TV. Then we made our way to the campsite, which was surprisingly near to HTA, my cousin's camp and an air base, the latter being the cause of at least 3 F-16s flying over in 1hr. We were assigned to different huts which was kinda interesting because it was suspended on stilts and it looked kinda luxurious to me. Lunch was served NS style. We did duty first so we had the privelage of eating first. Anyway we did low elements first, Fidget Bridge followed by Tire Swing. Then... it started raining so we retired to the MPH for our cheer practice. Luckily the rain cleared in time for the night game "kidnapped". It was...well....tiring and you needed quite a bit of luck. My group, group 2, was taken by Instructor Jeremy and he purposely chose Raymond so.... we had quite a noisy feedback. We had supper, debrief then lights out.
Thursday: I woke up at 4.50am b'cos I heard Sai say that he wanted to shower, I went back to sleep at 5 and woke up at 6. We assembled in our wet attire b'cos we had water rafting first. We were supposed to build a raft with 4 thick PVC pipes and 6 thin ones, oh and 2 barrels. As usual, I did the lashings because apparently I was the only one who could do a decent square lash. Anyway we used too much rope and our barrels kept falling but they were quite secure in the water and supported 4 people. Jerrold and I sat on it next, halfway through we fell off, I quickly grabbed onto something and manged to stay on the raft, Jerrold was floating somewhere behind, then I saw a dent in the barrel where Jerrold was sitting on. We had our washup after that, then proceeded to the High Ropes, I did the one where it was a single plank supported by cables at each end. The more you climb, the more your legs start shaking, then when you reach the top, you lose all control of your muscles and you tighten up. It was freakin' high, then when you get on the bloody plank, it starts shaking and you can only inch your way forward. It was quite a relief when I climbed down but you want to go again. Then Kuan Yeow went, he chionged across the plank, then he nearly fell, we were all laughing, this guy isn't afraid of anything. It was CAT 1 again before we made it to the Abseiling and zip-line. Practiced for our cheer then washed up. We wore our super bright class tee then ate dinner. Campfire was fun. Our cheer was awesome. lights out at 11.30 this time.
Friday: Super tired, we did area cleaning for the staff toilet. Then we sang some songs, they announced the best male and female camper, then the best group which was group 1, our class!!! :D Made our way back, then went to NTUC to check some prices then came back.

This is a super long post and I salute you for reading every single word, unfortunately this is a very summarised post and I left out some details, including the class cheer results. I'm blogging this because I need something to refer to when I do my narrative :P
Random fact: I have a new name, Brian

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