Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ah shit, I'm pretty pooped now, pooped as in tired, not literally pooped. All the tests, revisions (partially :P) and lessons to cope with. What's more, I have a really overdue proposal for the unit outing and Chinese Remedial this Thursday, after which I have a recce trip with Ms Toh. At least I get to ride in her Mitsubishi Lancer :) Back to blogging.

Monday: The most dreaded lessons all happen on a Monday, Math was more focused on revision and going through our EM test 3. I got 15/20!!! Finally, a Math test where I can actually get 15!! Actually it was a little unfair because Quadratic Equations are my forte but I don't hear any complaints from myself :P Bio was spent talking and talking and talking... I have no idea what Mr Lim's saying, except maybe when he thanked me for kicking Siewmun's chair. What? She was sleeping. Last minute revision for the Math Common Test, it was relatively easy, apart from a spotted careless mistake, I was fine. Came home to bathe, change, pack my gloves and off to Mua Thai!! My skipping was fine, I could have gone on for the entire 5 minutes but I went back too far and my rope hit the heavy bag so no points there. Kru Yoddecha is moving to PoMo, it's like teachers, every now and then they get transfered to different schools.

Tuesday: It was a much better day today. Mrs Leong asked us to give her feedback on her lessons, then Jerrold said "smile more". Actually it was quite relavant because sometimes (Ok, maybe most of the times) she comes into class she frowns and it brings the temperature 10degrees lower. So she said something which can be summarised as "you scratch my back, I scratch yours" We do our work, pay attention, don't fail our tests and she'll be smiling a bit more. We did an analysis of our Grammar Test marks during English and we didn't do our test during Physics lesson today!!!! Instead we did an experiment on the laws of reflection. Mdm Xu left halfway during Chinese lesson for some course, so the ex-2E2 gang, aka Luke, Lynn, Victor and I started talking about French and kinda taught both of them the guttural sounds or "r" sounds. We went through our Chemistry Weekend Assignment during well, Chemistry lesson. Studied abit during the lunch brak for our Social Studies test, it was easy and I wrote a little something about Egypt in the conclusion, because "leadership is key" and what happened in Egypt is what's going to happen here if our leaders aren't capable enough. Tuition after school, I chionged my compo in 40min so I did some Math corrrections there.

Even though I enjoy my new class and lessons, albeit Chinese and Physics, I still miss 2E2'10, kinda like how you miss a dead pet or something, dammit I want to graduate faster, go for my NS, study in NUS and I'll see you guys should you ever fall ill, hey, it's 30% off the total checkup fee, so remember to keep in touch!!! Sheesh, why am I even blogging about this, there's only one person who actually bothers to tag. My blog is nothing more than a long-lost journal of some unknown person.

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