Friday, April 16, 2010

WHEE!!! Here again, as always. OK I'll just cut to the chase.
Wednesday: Nearly died during chinese lesson, had a test, that part was fine, it was the file checking that waw not. Nearly had 1hr DC but teacher let us off, she will check on Monday or Tuesday. Sports Heats, didn't go so went for CCA. Insp Norsiah took us and told us about the sec 3s and their limited manpower so they need sec 2s to help. Trained our confidence, she asked each of us to one by one come out and give commands to our squadmates. Ms Tan came back also but she was wearing a horrendous blouse that made her look like she had abnormal shoulder growths. I gave the 5 step Yang Tinggi command, so fun :D Insp Zaki came and split the squad in half, and then of course, had more of the MOI training.

Thursday: Ms Purana didn't come but we had to do a test paper, if we didn't finish we could still do it next week, I only have my summary left so it should be easy. Did our Stomp project thing, the actual one mind you, Mdm Toh was filming all of us and Junxiang broke Jerrold's bottle because he hit it to hard. He also bent my freakin' spoon!!! Science test in the lab, Ms Soon did the same thing like Mr Gan "You will not need the periodic table" I could kill her!!! It was relatively easy, Ms Soon was being a whiny spoilt bitch again. Saw some experiments being done, Mr Gan and his limewater, Ms Soon and her Magnesium strip. The magnesium was the best part, I felt so attracted to the bright light.

Friday: woke up at 6.20, thought I was late but I was not, rushed to school in the drizzling rain. Cross Country was cancelled, watched videos of Speech Day in the hall. Went back to class then Mr Heng talked some more about the streaming subjects and options and studying hard and stuff. Mrs Tan came in and scolded us because we were too noisy during the announcement, then she said she will make another announcement. We just saw her disappear around the corner when the announcement 'bell' was sounded, did she fly there?? Dismissed at 10.20. Took the bus home, and then some random guy started playing some Chinese Opera show on his phone..ON LOUDSPEAKER!!! The whole bus could hear it, Jiahui and I started to laugh silently, I started miming the words and started 'singing' along. Came home and slacked like hell.

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