Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Blogging every 2 days now, getting more stressed and tired nowadays, Mr Ong making me sleep, Ms Soon absent from almost every lesson now (not that I mind) and Streaming stuff, WHAT THE HECK!!!!!

Yesterday: Lit lecture our group perform, everyone was missing their cues and everything but well, It went well. Science Mr Gan teach us, Ms Soon never came YAY!!! VE, had a talk on streaming subjects, getting stressed and stuff. Slacked at home, damn hot leh!!!! I had to switch on my air con.

Today: Mr Ong tricked us time and time again, first we had a small test, then he said it was a pretest, then had a second pretest. I want to kill him already. Hospital checkup, doctor said I'm fine, decide when I'm 16. I really should be studying now. STRESS STRESS STRESS!!!!!

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