Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Interesting day today and yesterday. Gonna use a much more organized approach now rather than summarising.

Yesterday: D&T did the model making thing, got released late for recess. Nothing much then had 2 periods of lit. Mr Fadly went through the summarising of the text and then the last group perform their lit play. He said that we were ready for our lecture, I doubt that. Napfa, had only 100plus before that. First one at the Standing Broad Jump, queue up with Victor at the Sit-Up and Inclined Pull-Up. Sit-and-Reach next, bloody queue damn long and then people keep cutting so waited for 2hrs, by then I missed tuition. After my turn Shuttle Run was quite empty, my time did not improve. Went home and SLACKED.

Today: Reached school early, completed chinese homework. Ms Soon came for science, nothing triggered, she just went through the Reactions with Acids and Metals/Carbonates/Alkalis/??? Brought sec 1 text and workbook for Geog and I didn't have my file with me. Lucky Teacher never scold. Something happened and *CENSORED CENSORED CENSORED* Ms Purana never come for english, slacked after school then rush for tuition, come back and SLACK again. :)

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