Thursday, November 17, 2011

Right, which should I narrate about first, let me do it in chronological order. I came back from STC (Survival Training Camp-for those not in NPCC) in Ubin, held at the oh so famous Camp Resilience. It was a fun camp, very very fun, but unfortunately, my last NPCC overnight camp on Ubin. The 1st day was the mandatory tent pitching and some ice-breaking games. The theme for this year's ATC/STC was "tribal" so we had tribe flags given to us and were told some bogus story about tribes in Ancient China, and our Camp Coordinator failed his geography, inner Mongolia was NEVER located in the Himalayas. Then I cracked a joke to myself when he said, "And further up the mountains, lived..." And I whispered to myself, " The Dalai Lama." No one caught that but I laughed silently, damn, forever alone. My group had Ron, if no one knows, he/she/it is one of the 3 Legendary F**kups of Bukit View NPCC. He's super slow, like literally slow and thick. Let's just leave it at there. So, my group had the tiger flag *rawr!*, and we named our group, ummm... a very hard to spell out name ending in tiger. But that's not all, my group was the least enthu group in the entire camp, like literally when our group instructor would ask whether we play games or discuss a new cheer, the answer would be either silence with the occasional person saying, "anything." It rained the 2nd day, but it stopped in time for the campfire, so we had a campfire, and also a very very good campfire performance by Bukit View NPCC, I don't want to boast here but I think of all the Area 18 schools there, I think ours was the best. The 3rd day passed by very quickly, area cleaning, receiving of our STC badges, and finally, a short van ride to the jetty and a boat ride home. I think a rather memorable last few moments at Camp Resilience, of wait, I'll be back, HRC next year!!! After camp, I slept from 3pm all the way to 8pm, woke up just in time for dinner, then slept again 'til the next morning, rushed to school for debate training, ended later than expected, then rushed to West Mall to meet up with the remaining members of Static Drive for our jamming session, it was good, it ended well too, as of now, Static Drive is currently inactive but still together, furthermore, as our 'manager', Victor, pangseh-ed us, we have decided that we shall no longer have a manager, but still keep an editor, which is still Siwei, so we decided to vote for the leader and right now, we are inactive, but do 'like' the band page, return the favour for voting for Big Bang :P Tuesday was a boring day, but fast forward to Wednesday, class outing/BBQ. We gathered at West Mall at 11am, left for ECP at 1pm, all because we had to do a last minute booking of the BBQ pit, buy the food and items needed for the BBQ. So it was a very last minute thing, but we pulled it off. Raining? Shift the charcoal into 1 of the aluminium trays and put a grill on it, there, indoor BBQ-ing. The food was relatively nice, what with the rather experienced BBQ head chef, ME! hahaha. It was F-ing hot, it was impossible to flip 2 hotdogs consecutively, I had to flip, blow my hand, and flip another one. Then it stopped raining and we shifted the makeshift BBQ pit back to the permanent BBQ pit to bake the potatoes and BBQ the chicken. The potato was bland, but then again, we didn't buy the sweet potato, but it's food, so don't complain, especially when I cooked everything except the chicken. Left at 8 with Jerrold and Fauzan, nearly got lost but found our way back to the bus stop, then took the train to City Hall, changed to the NS line, then rode it to Newton, alighted, resurfaced and took 67 back home, after the walking and everything, I reached home at 10.15pm, 15 min before my curfew. I smelt of smoke, well who wouldn't after spending about 3hrs BBQ-ing food. Today? Nothing much, debate training, then came home for lunch and I slept on the couch, I literally collapsed on it, well, it was a tiring week so far.

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