Friday, February 11, 2011

Back again, well, we wrote a composition during Chinese lesson, but it became more like 2 periods of slacking and talking about life in prison and the SAF. PE was nicer, we ran 1.6km, I don't know why Mr. Tan wants us to run 1.6km, he should just straight away tell us to run 2.4km, I think 3E2 also ran 1.6km today also. I walked briskly from the starting point, the school gate. Then after the crowd cleared abit, I starting running, RUNNING, not jogging at what you think is a reasonable pace until you see an old lady overtake you. Anyway I RAN all the way from the front of Bukit View Primary until halfway in between the busstop where you usually start running 2.4k, and what used to be ITE Bukit Batok. I stopped because I felt a sharp pain around my lower right rib so I started walking until the busstop and starting sprinting back. 9min sharp :) Anyway we played a short game of basketball, I didn't play, I sat with Clarence, long story so after PE was Math, Bloody Math, Mrs Dementor came and gave us our test, luckily I studied last minute for completing the square thing so I should be alright for that question. The rest were just plain easy. I still don't get why everyone says it's difficult, I find Quadratic Equations easy, it's Indices and Surds that are killing me. Spent my entire recess in the cafe talking to Junxiang and Co. then went back for Physics, we went through the Layered MCQ Mr Aw gave us to do yesterday, I got back my Physics test, 13/20, I good mark considering I didn't study much for it, failing my Math on the other hand is considered a normal mark in my class as I said yesterday. Stayed back for some class-tee discussion then I chionged all the way to the canteen, I didn't eat lunch today, I just ran around with Victor, that stupid Ming Hong didn't come today. There was some miscommunication about the venue causing us to waste a lot of time. Anyway, Insp. Norsiah debreifed us, she told us on the stuff we can improve on, like more interesting games, have a short meeting beforehand to confirm our roles, never discuss in front of our juniors etc.etc. Ms Toh wanted to see the heads after training, we went into the staff room, then she passed us the whole year's schedule with the teachers-in-charge. Grace suddenly asked for sweets and I spotted a card with the words "Born to be wild" on a leopard-print bikini. Then we suddenly talked about schoolwork and Math, then Ms Toh said that she'd teach us Math after school, maybe on the Wednesdays we don't have CCA. Went home, I received a call from a Mr. Munger from Munger Tools & Machines or something, I think they were looking for my father. Nite..

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