Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I continue from my last post.

Tuesday: The entire school had a nice little surprise in the morning, we brought a pen, student handbook and our CR books down. EL HOD Mr. Arthur "Suck" Kok apparently degraded himself and the Chinese race, and then asked to write down our CR question, bloody fcuked up. Anyway had MT first thing after that, it was bad, History was better, at least we got as far as the Treaty of Versaille and a small excerpt on the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Maths was better, Mrs Leong showed us a video on Standard Forms and the music was damn funny. Chem SPA was spent in the class again, went through the worksheet, then after some teaching Mrs Sia went into Fahrenheit and how she wondered why the band name was spelt like that, then she asked each of us how many hours we spent studying, I said 7, 6 in school, 1 at home. HAHAHAHAAH!!! Lunch then Physics, then English, tuition then home.

Wednesday: Woke up at 7, HR was spent in the hall, then Bio SPA, I couldn't see a damn thing in the microscope so I shifted to Jerrold's table and saw his Specimens, his ones were damn clear and we filled in our workbooks together. Recess in cafe. English was spent looking at more powerpoint slides on Grammar. Maths was pretty boring, then we spent the entire SS period slacking because Mrs Ng didn't come. Mr Ong gave us until 2.55pm to eat since we were dismissed late. Anyway training was damn slack, march here march there still can laugh and play, then welfare. Sec 3s only so I led the sing-along session with that shorty piece of shit, then after a few songs we had closing parade then went home.

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