Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Basically the same post as yesterday, I really miss 2E2'10, those were the carefree days. We've really changed a lot during the holidays. I mean, last time, when there were intervals between lessons when the teacher left the class, we'd talk until the next teacher would spend the next 15 minutes scolding us. Earlier on in class, when Mrs Sia walked out, we did our homework she set us and our Maths teacher (both maths), Mrs Leong, came in and praised us for being so good for sitting down quietly and doing our work, however it was the last 3 periods that she spent with us, we never said anything, we were so tired that we couldn't even raise the "Yes" and "No" cards. It was a very long day today, our History Teacher was Mdm Geetha, Victor's was Mr Huang. HAHAHAH!!!! Anyway, NP training, I never had lunch, I got dismissed at 2.30pm, met Insp. Thinesh in the toilet, he gave me until 2.45pm to fall in. Today's training was tough, as in very tough, then afterwards we had a breifing by Insp. Zaki, the CCA Awareness Day ICs, i.e. me, Victor and Grace, kinda "breifed" the all cadets on the booth, then Insp. Zaki asked us to come earlier to pitch the tent and flagstaff, ought to be fun. God, we've changed a lot haven't we? I'm much more reserved in class, except History :P I'm also less hyper with Jerrold and all my other friends, merely wave and go.

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