Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ok, I'm not going to bother posting about my trip to Bangkok except that my father got married again. So I;m just going to post as far back as I can remember which is Saturday the 11th.

Saturday: Rehearsal at ACJC, made quite a few mistakes but hey, it's a rehearsal. Lunch at home, stoned until my father came back then straight to James' house. APPLAUSE!!!! walked in to a lot of clapping and cheering. OK I'll stop bragging. Adults in the room, those who are not yet in JC outside. Talked a lot and crapped about other stuff then went home at midnight.

Sunday: Recital!! Jasmine said 12pm, I arrived at 11.50, Geri and Stef at 12.15 and the one who set the time came at 12.30. I'll kill her.. Anyway, rehearsed and rehearsed, played cards for abit then more rehearsals. Then a short break in which we talked about which JCs to go to. I got hairsprayed, guylinered, blushed and glittered... Well, at least there wasn't any lipstick. Because the stage was slippery we decided to slide around after the final bow. Ate lobster porridge then came home and SLEPT!!!

Monday: Woke up at 9.30 to go to Evovle Gym at Far East Square. Had a Muay Thai trial with my cousin at 11. After the introduction I decided to sign up. Blah Blah Blah, home after Taka and com all the way.

Tuesday: 1st Muay Thai lesson today, fun and tiring and I stayed for 2 back-to-back classes. AFter lunch I rushed home, full body ache...

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