Tuesday, August 17, 2010

School was fine, spent the whole of morning assembly talking crap, and discussing our pathetic families, basically the norm for the "back-of-the-hall gang" WTF??? I have no life, I came up with that name, I seriously have no life. Anyway, did that mindmap thing for history, then my com suddenly shut down, I haven't even saved the thing and it shut down, stupid &$%*&R#*(U(^$#$%^&*(*&^%$#$%^&*!)&@#%@*?><:/><{}\_&!!!!! Watched the videos on racial riots during english, got one part the woman said 'chop chop everything also chop' in chinese and some M'sian politician said something about one LKY and 1000 LKY won't bring us down or smth like that. Went through maths common test, I got 38/40, walao, Siewmun got 40!!! She freakin' took my marks lorh, and all because of one stupid mistake. Home econs in the com lab, again and we did the equipment thing and stuff. Ate in school because we were too hungry, and the Canteen stall aunty gave me a free piece of seaweed chicken. Then I had tuition, the whole class was filled to the max, then kena thunderstorm, when I came out it was fine, when I reached my stop, it was raining cats and dogs. The wind was strong and any part uncovered by the umbrella was soaked in seconds, then some car drove past a puddle and I got soaked, as in SOAKED!!! Just now my aunt came in and saw what I was doing, chatting online, she scolded me for talking nosensical stuff online for 1 hr+, I was online for 30 mins. Then she said I was useless, no brain, I look down on you and stuff like that. Good lord woman, I control my life, not you, so keep your big nose out of my increasingly reduced private life, she's basically annexed my entire room. neither of the tables are under my jurisdiction, therefore nothing can be " placed on the table in that messy arrangement". My cupboard is filled with her stuff, the mahjong table is in my room and worse, both computers are in my room, she can switch it on as and when she likes and I'm supposed to endure it. The only things under my control is my bed, guitar and amp. She even throws out my old clothes, as in those old ones that still fit and still looks nice but " old and dirty and ragged" in her eyes, Torn? Dirty? I'm utterly speechless.

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