Wednesday, August 18, 2010

School was rather interesting today. I woke up at 6.30 and reached school around 7.20++ OH, Siwei got called in by MGL to do something for her, turns out it was to pin up the list of people who owe the reading program books to the library. Oh yeah, and _________________________ happened in class, Clarence was nearly _______ by ________. I can't reveal it, just in case, y'know.... Art was fun, did more fooling around, the best was when I used one of Saiful's pics and photoshopped it, gave it a moustache, beard and something that looked like a hat or a turban. You should have seen it and I should have saved it. Dammit!! Well there's always Digital Art next next week. We did the report writing for English, it was kinda difficult I guess, 'cos I got stuck at the end. Spent the entire Math period drawing curved graphs. Chinese was a bit more interesting, since Ms Yeo left, a new teacher came in to atake us for the remaining 2 months. Ms Lee ( yes that's her name ) prepared ppt slides like Mr Gan and gave us her hp no. and other contact details. She's much more.....interesting? I don't know. Jerrold got forced into submission to be MC by Ms Ang and told us, so we went to find her and guess what, the woman just said " Where's your reflection? WIthout the reflection we cannot talk you know? You still wanna....." Well, there's always tomorrow. Came home and made myself a really big sandwich, bread, salami, ham, cheese, beef pastrami, ham, cheese, salami and cheese. Well, I had to, these things were nearing their expiry date. Slept from 6 to 9, WTH?? I'm basically exhausted.

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