Sunday, August 22, 2010

Friday: I rushed to school, then slacked about in class. We had another maths test, this time on curved graphs, stupid thing, we had 20-25mins and I took so long to draw the graph that I only had 5mins to do the questions. Luckily I could complete them, however I don't think I drew my graph well enough. Went through the science CT next, Stupid lah, at first I got 41.5/50 but because of one trick question, I lost one mark, at least most of the class also lost the mark. I forgot what we did for english, however I do remember the extraordinarily despisable diabolical chinese test, at least I could attempt all the questions. NPCC was fun, we did lashings, I still remember all of them since last year so it was just a refresh of memory, then had sing-a-long session and games. The games were fun, I loved whacko, " Victor!!" " Brendan!!". Lol I kept calling the same name and stuff like that. Insp. Norsiah was all about ATC and Ace's hair length, she siad if he didn't cut his hair by ATC she would do something about it, well since the camp is at Ubin might as well ship those who didn't get their hair cut to Tekong get their hair cut, Lol. When you go to Tekong, your hair is long and well looked-after, when you come back from Tekong, you have no more hair. Then after training kept talking about the different schemes to get Ace's hair cut.

Saturday: Woke up late so didn't go for tap, instead went to the bank to draw out money to compensate my aunt. Normal day, usual procedures. Except the fact that I stayed up to watch the Athletics.

Sunday: Even more normal day. LOL

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