Monday, July 26, 2010

Rain rain rain. It was raining cats and dogs when I got out of the house, The longkang water was like those white water rapids, except it's now brown water rapids. PE was a bore, aerobics+hip hop thing, nd it got me thinking: Coach, no need to call it hip hop. It's more like aerobics to me, there's no need to make it sound hip even though it was 3 million years too late. Art was next, MGL spent 20 min of the first period scolding us for not appearing for remedial last Thursday, she scolded the chinese students because all of us weren't here. You can't blame us, we had that chinese talk thing. She was talking about respect and unity and whatnot, then she wanted us to stay back this Thursday. The NCC boys have their trainfire then Victor said, "We're reminding you now." because she said that she wasn't reminded last week. She misinterpreted Victor's reminder as some smart remark, she said,"Very good, you're reminding me now. See me afterwards." Then he said, "What? I'm reminding you for this week." ...... Then it went all blur, words and mumbling and silent mutters, Lynn's straightfoward but rash approach, Aqilah's crude approach, Victor's silent and not so interfering approach. Best thing that happened. MGL just bossed her authority around as always so we couldn't do much. But it was the best thing that happened in years. Mr Ong got pissed during math lesson, Mr Gan too. VE was a bore and Narinpal, Stella, Chitral and I left at 2 because we missed the science centre trip and yeah. It was boring, but we ate scones. I seriously hate the other teacher, some temper and attitude problem of his. Ah well, at least I won't be seeing him.

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