Monday, May 17, 2010

Well, I got most of my results back, I have to say, I really outdone myself this time, however there are some that I am not too happy with but anyway, here are the results.
Maths:Paper 1, 36/40. Paper 2, 44.5/50. Altogether 89.5/100, not bad considering that I just anyhow did some questions.
Chinese:Paper 1, 44.5/70. Paper 2, 47/70. Paper 3, 8/10. Well, I think the word CHINESE says it all, If I calculated correctly, the overall of paper1,2 and 3 would be 71 but let's wait for the report book to say it all.
Science:73.5/100, I feel so happy, even Mr Gan felt that the paper was rather tough. Victor got I think 81, well I beat Clarence, Tejaswi and Jerrold, all the competition is out of the way so I have a strong feeling I was second in class.
English:Paper 1, 38/60. Paper 2, 27/50. Overall, 59/100. Well, it was a difficult paper and it was my first time, heck it, it ws everybody's first time.
Geography:85.5/100, I got second in class after Clarence, then Victor reasoned with the teacher on Russia's declining population and we got 1 mark each so 86.5/100. I feel so good.

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