Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rather fun day today, Ms Yeoh came into class and told us that she didn't receive the marks paper, she said that if she didn't receive it by 2pm the whole class would get ZERO for geog. Well we didn't fail because we got and signed the paper at the end of the day. Mr Gan came in and told stories again, this time he told us about his sec school life, about how his school canteen was facing the SGH mortuary block and some genius architect designed the parade square on the 3rd floor. Watched the remaining of Lord of The Flies, Victor and I substituted Captain Benson with Captain Bumsen (inside joke). CT scan in the afternoon, actually it was rather fun too, the moving platform and all, but I was in a pretty uncomfortable position, my hip was in contact with the plastic thing and my weight was on it, however it was quite comfortable.

Just because we're from a neighbourhood school doesn't mean we have to be treated like 2nd class citizens, we can score higher than those snotty nosed elite school "1st class citizens", please larh!!!! If you want to complain, complain all the fuck you want outisde my room, just because some fucking idiotic snot-nosed teacher from an elite school told you that whatever fucking mark I get must minus 10 marks to match your fucking school's standard doesn't mean you have the every fucking right to critiscize everything I do in my school!!!!! JUST SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH UP FOR ONCE PLEASE!!!

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