Sunday, April 25, 2010

I'm back after being AWOL. So here's the organised summary of what happened after Tuesday.

Wednesday: Woke up abit later, took my time to go to school. Discussed with Clarence and Jerrold the band stuff and whatever. Didn't stay back because there was no training. I forgot what happened next.

Thursday: I am forgetting everything already, I only remember that I was saying the wedding thing, you know, the "we are gathered here to witness this couple..........Do you _______ take_______ as your beloved...." that thing to Jiahui, then Siwei say the Chinese one, even better. " 一拜天地,二拜祖先,夫妻对拜,进入洞房!!!" Then I keep on repeating, end up she chased me around the whole class with a marker trying to draw on me.

Friday: Did the same thing again, she chased me around the whole school, I went back to class and took the broomstick and then she wrote BREN on my arm. PE, played badminton with Luke and Jerrold, we took turns to solo. Went up and played with Haiyang. Went back to class, Junxiang and Jialei changing, then Lynn and Stella changed in the cupboard. VP came in and scolded us during our geog period. Skip to science, Mr Gan told us the story of Exodus, heard it countless times, even saw what actually happened on History Channel. He pronounced Egyptians wrongly, he said "Egyp-sans" then Angel of Death as "Angel of Des" made the whole class laugh. Mgl came in and scolded us, but all I heard was " blah blah blah blah blah blah ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"

Saturday: Tap, warm ups not so tiring now, but still sweating like mad. Did the routine part, Chicago-All That Jazz. Then middle part would be Queen-Flash I think and ending with Queen-We Will Rock You. Tuition, slacked at home.

Sunday: Woke up at 11+ Went to Great World City to watch Clash of The Titans, nice movie but they should rename it, the Titans were the original gods before they were overthrown by their sons and daughters which were called the Olympians, which were the gods in the movie. It should be named "Clash of The Olympians" Came home and slacked again, I really should be studying though.

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