Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Nothing much recently, campcraft comp. clashed with tap again -.- Nothing much to do, I shouldn't even be here but anw, Monday had common test (eng) quite easy. Tuesday D&T went to com. lab to do our test,during recess played catching with Weichen, Cindy, Siewmun they all, I know, sec 2 still play catching but I choose whether to be mature or immature, I choose the latter, then stayed back for SMO training, my Aunt called me and sms-ed me. When I went home, she started scolding me for sleeping in class and a bunch of other crap. Turns out MGL fed her false info. and that is what I seriously hate the most, cut my hair and then stayed up til 12 to finish CR. Today Mr Gan very stressed, rush through some stuff about compounds. Geog, went through the rest of the notes and a new piece. English went through our grammer test, I got 75!! Supposed to get 76 but there was some error in marking. Still OK, around the top few. Maths was some assessment thing, didn't bother lah, Mr Ong makes me sleep, Chinese, teacher didn't come today but still have to complete worksheet, completed very fast and then listened to Jerrold teaching Siewmun science. Halfway through my aunt called, went toilet to call her back so..yeah... I'm officially bankrupt for this whole week D:

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