Saturday, February 6, 2010

Finally have the time to post, Ok so nothing much, except for campcraft competition training, it's on the 20th Feb so..yeah and then there's Maths Olympiad(SMO). The training is shit, the question all requires creative thinking, which sadly 2E2 doesn't have except for a few, 2E1 pwned us the most, we're and then suddenly one guy from 2E1 found the answer, and then we're like:huh? and then he writes it on the board: cut there, draw here ,paste there, draw there and then the answer is found. WHAT??!!! And then campcraft comp. training, the last one Insp. Haireel came back and then he modified our basha(however it's spelled) . Friday went to the Discovery Centre for Total Defence Silver badge, there was a lot of stuff, including a bus/truck for contaminated persons(radioactive). Then went to the Army Museum for another talk about the 3rd Gen. Army and some stuff about NS. back to the Discovery Centre for another talk and then back home. Today, training again, for some CL thing, a few people, including me had to go for Road Marshall duty, slack like hell, the rest did drills, then we made our way to the com lab for the remainder of the lesson planning for sec 1s, we're gonna train them next next week. Then we made our way down to the ISH for some lesson on Word Of Command (WOC) and Method Of Instruction(MOI). Like Promotion Test like that ah, go out in front and teach a specific commannd. Apparently to give instruction of the command,there's 4 steps which I forgot already but still roughly remember what to do.

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