Friday, January 29, 2010 was ok I guess, I got full marks for spelling during englidh lesson, during PE we went to the gym, kena pumped again by Mr Chen and some other teacher, I'm beginning to hate this guy, girls make all the noise we all take the blame, I think like that after PE automatic boys stay back knock it down 20. Had chinese, we received back the test results, WOOHOO!!! I did very well, wouldn't stress on it but anyway after chinese had maths lesson, wah!!! Damn sleepy sia! I never do anything, seriously, Maths in the afternoon during the last 2 periods is hell. Basically everybody rushed out of the classroom at the end of lesson just to get the sun and sanity back. NP!!! Damn fun, had welfare today to welcome the sec1s. sec 4s keep telling us to show the sec 1s what is NPCC, basically posture, shout like thunder, move like lightning. The games were like out of this world but then we also played captain's ball with the Girl Guides, this time no chicken XD. Everybody all very enthu, sing song also sing damn loud, like never before seen in NP for the 1st time for sec 2s.Received another T-shirt, this time from the self-defense course thing, black and extremely baggy, NP unit T-shirt a bit baggy but very hot. Nearly died. I just realised MGL and my Aunt have the same mentality, isn't it enough I have to face 1 in school already? Why put another one in my house?! WHY GOD WHY?!? MGL is already damn naggy and the other few words in my previous post but then at home, I have another one, it's like detention for the rest of my youth with her.

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