Sunday, June 1, 2014

Messy and Disorganised

Well, it's been a long time since I last blogged, and I mean REALLY REALLY LONG time. I wanted to wait another year before blogging again but I couldn't resist the temptation. Besides, my reader (note the use of the singular word form) really wants me to post :) I'm not going to update everything that's happened since the last post, that'll be too long. Instead, here's what has happened recently. It's been 1.5 years since I entered CJ, JC sucks. Time isn't on anyone's side when 'A' levels are drawing closer. I can really feel the pressure, besides, I really want to do well for 'A's. Although I haven't succumbed to the stress, I'm pretty sure it's going to hit me real hard soon, it's just a matter of time. Thank goodness I have the June holidays, no wait, I don't have holidays as a JC2. I just finished planning my revision schedule (yes, don't judge me) for the June holidays  and basically, everyday is packed. Well, certain days are less packed, so that's probably when I'll meet up with my reader (I keep my promises haha ^^) 81 days to prelims, let's make these 81 days count. Besides, I always scrape through. After all, it'll all be over in another 6 months. After that, I can go out all I want for the next 5 months before I serve the nation, but that's another story and I shan't bore you. I think I'll be posting more regularly, but no guarantees, blogging kinda takes off some of the strain I've been facing. Although I have no blogs to read (ahem ahem). I can't be bothered to change my tagboard (if they still call it that) because of my single reader, anything just whatsapp hahaha  :) I've been facing many different problems nowadays, such a wonder I've still kept my sanity. You'll have to forgive my lack of coherence and flow, I'm just typing as my thoughts flow. Thoughts are messy, they rarely flow, but somehow, they make sense once you manage to string them together. But isn't life like that? Sometimes, you get the feeling life is all 'downs' without any mode of climbing up but somehow, it all works out. No matter what, there'll always be a time where everything works out for you, you just have to have faith in it and press on. I guess the cliche phrase would be 'never give up hope' which is true in a sense, because once you lose faith, you start to lose in life. I've found a new quote online that says ' When you stop telling yourself you're losing, you'll start winning ', tell yourself you're a winner, tell yourself everything's going to be okay, tell yourself everything will work out, because in the end, those words are what drives you to that ever so elusive stage of life where it's all a bed of roses. Just some motivational words from me, to me, and my reader (if you want to read) hahaha I've become more philosophical, perhaps that's one way the stress got to me. Hey, meet up in June okay? After 13 June, I still remember hahaha! Well, 'til next time.

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