Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Back again. Camp was fun!! It was very tiring but it was still fun. It's much better to be on the other side of a bunk inspection or a burglar drill. Hahaha!! Much much better. Beret on the floor, chairs overturned, bags and towels and slippers everywhere, and they're not yours!! And when I mean yours I mean your squad. The camp was an overall success, I must say we really pulled it off within 2 weeks of preparation. Kudos to us. Downside of the camp was less sleep for the CLs, I mean I only had about 4hrs of sleep for 3 days and 2 nights, the 15min nap on Saturday helped a bit. The burglar drill was less intense, in our time, we had to hold it in pumping position for god knows how long, in my squad's 1st year, the annual camp burglar drill was essentially PT session with more scoldings than usual, the 2nd year was less intense though, only a changing parade. This year's sec 1s are really really better off than us, not in a good way, I mean I could tell the scoldings have been toned down a lot since 2009, even when Insp Zaki "kicked" the bottles when they were not arranged neatly, he only kicked 1 group's and it was just a tap. Back in '09, the bottles could fly from one end of the area to the other, and mind you they're 1.5litres and filled to the brim. 8 complaints for the whole course of the camp, have their discipline standards slacked, parents butting in again methinks, I mean if you knew your son/daughter joined NPCC, a uniformed group, you'd know what to expect, don't just go calling and complaining and taking all the fun out of punishments. Anyways, enough said, some things from camp are best saved in memory. Foundation was a bore, a sleep deprived me nearly died yesterday, I slept from 5pm on Sunday and woke up at 6.07am on Monday, and I still felt tired, and to make matters worse, the last lesson was Physics, and it was raining. Physics+Rain+Sleep deprivation= Zzzzzzzzzzzz
I got exiled today in history lesson, now Nicholas is on the other side of the classroom, well, at least Fendy has joined me in Siberia, but it ain't the same without Nicholas. Yeah, I'm touched, 1 person still reads my blog, and yes me occasionally reads the blog on my links that's still alive and whose author is a Big Bang fan. Who arh?? :P

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