Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday: National Day, Lol, happy 45th aniversary of gaining independence Singapore!! What? It is the 45th year of independence is it not? Lols, anyway, watched more cantonese dramas, seriously, it's like a drama marathon or something. Watched the parade at 5.30. I think you're supposed to ask for permission before you carry out the feu de joie and besides, isn't the President supposed to come down and talk to some members of the parade? Loved the military hardware display, reminds me of those communist states, especially the Soviet Union, every year on May Day or their National Day, they would host a big parade like ours, except we don't have a whole tank division driving down the road or a missile launcher division. Watched Ip Man after that, it was so nice, much more gruesome than Ip Man 2 but it's still nice. He beat the General to death, and then they show him whacking his wooden dummy, exactly the same.
Tuesday: Got shouted awake by my aunt, stupid bitch scolded me for not changing the ink cartridge, you know, I think she's doing it on purpose, she's picking on me for her own pleasure, I'm watching a show and suddenly she asks me how to spell "recruit", please, you're on the computer, there is such a thing called online-dictionary, check it out. Tuition and home, WWII Lost Films at 8 and here I am.

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