Monday, May 24, 2010

Well, here I am, it's surprising even though my exams are over, I still have tuition and I really have very little time to blog.
Sunday: Woke up at 10.45, ate breakfast (who doesn't?) and then went to Great World to watch Shrek 4 and Ironman 2, overall, I think Ironman 2 was better, was it because Shrek 4 had nothing else to offer or was it because there were real hot chicks in Ironman 2?? jkjk anyway, came home, shifted the whole house upside down again then went to sleep.

Monday: Woke up as usual, normal lessons, watched Grave of The Fireflies instead of Lord of the Flies. VE, slacked like shit, talked and did some nonsense. Actually, something eventful happened today, you see, Victor was all going about to manning Saiful up, contrary to what people believe, he thinks that Saiful is not gay deep down. So I was partial to the plan, and then we all like playing and fooling around like "SIT LIKE A MAN SAIFUL!!! DON'T CROSS YOUR LEGS!!!" and all that shit, then I think Kunthavi said something like she accepts Saiful as a gay but he doesn't have to be so bitchy about it, I was partially agreeing, then I said that what is his problem and where was his father? A father is supposed to teach his son responsibility of being the man of the house, he's the one that is supposed to teach his son what a mother cannot. Then Victor went something like you're not a gay and something like that then he said the best thing is to tell his parents on what is happening. I think all of that caused him to break down and cry in class, and then, just when he needed it least, SYMPATHY CAME, what he needs to do is to pick himself up after a fall, not wandering around the canteen looking for sympathy,and worse, when you're trying to "man" someone up, the worst thing for him to have is feminine influence, and worst of all, we're public enemies right now, the best I can do is to actually do something to help the cause.

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