Sunday, February 21, 2010

Well, haven't been updating so now is the time, I'm not so exactly sure of the dates so I'll just go in one big mess. Recently, Mr Ong has been giving us a lot of tests and hw, I know I shouldn't be complaining but what's the use when you barely teach and when you teach, you go one big round before you make your point, and half the class always sleeps. Well, on the brighter side, I always do well for his tests, but Saiful had to get full marks, I want to emo already. -.- English, so far so good, Geog, we had our test results back, Siewmun got 19, I got 18 and Aishah got 17, :) PE, we did shot put ( I dunno the spelling), OK. Then during recess saw Thinesh and the gang in front of us, we kept talking and putting emphasis on KUNTHAVI haha, end up she dunno go where and Ma'am ask me to shaddup :P Campcraft training, Friday had extra long training until 7. basha team did well, Dhina was there so 'knock it down'. Flagstaff end up cannot put up, then Dhina say the hemp will be HIGH QUALITY one. Yesterday, woke up late so rush to school, luckily on time. waited and waited then briefing, Khoirul keep on pinching me and cracking my knuckle. It went fine, until the supposedly HIGH QUALITY, hemp snapped in Reshawn's hands. Stupid MIC hemp, stupid Dhina. Counting on girl's team to help us win.

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