Friday, December 25, 2009

Well, I'm back from Malaysia, 5 days stuck with my cousins but it wasn't bad, got to see 2 movies, watched 2012 again and Avatar. The cinema was freezing!! The day before I left my uncle brought my cousin, cousin's sister, cousin's mother to some place to go shopping. He got a gameboy and the worst thing is he doesn't know how to operate it (he's only 5) so I was given the resposibility to teach him. His sister wanted one but her mother said she was too young, more like no more money XD so she had to share it with her brother, worst case scenario, neither of them didn't want to share it so the whole house was filled with shouting and crying. Couldn't sleep I blame the father for buying it but he had his reasons, apprently my cousin did well in class and he didn't want his son (my cousin) to keep on playing the games on his phone which was on the brink of destruction by intensive gaming. Meanwhile my father and I made a prediction, the gameboy would by spoilt by next week, what with all the snatching and dropping and stuff like that. When I came back to Singapore, the customs was packed, people queueing up to go to Singapore and only 1 or 2 people going to Malaysia. Went to Ion to eat dinner with my father. And yesterday, Chrsitmas eve!! Watched Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 and Bodyguards and Assasins. both shows were nice but I think I liked Bodyguards and Assasins better, all the fighting and stuff. :) Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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