Saturday, May 2, 2009

Short post today, still have 2 more months to get birthday present for Deon, ok maybe it is long but the sooner the better then don't need to worry about no stock.( ok! Maybe a little over-exagerated but nothing is to sure right?) Ok never mind, today is a typical day for me, computer, TV and slack even though my major exams are in 2 weeks. Sian ah, what to do? Who's life is revolved around these? I will die if I had nothing to do except to blog and watch the same old programs on television.Ok plan my time, ARGHHHH! I CAN'T!! I need to get some fresh air, Ok maybe later I will try to get some fresh air. This may be the last time before the apocalypse happens, where humans turn into zombies and lucky(or unlucky) ones have to fight them off in forts and fortresses on islands and countries. That may be bullshit but "The Book Of Revelations" has the prophecies on the end of the world.READ IT, IT'S FREAKISHLY TRUE.

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